School Curriculum

The curriculum at St James is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. It is underpinned by our mission statement,

‘Working together to achieve excellence within a caring Christian community of faith, hope and love’.

The delivery of our curriculum aims to remove any potential barriers to learning and to develop a deep love of learning through quality first teaching experiences that engage, enthuse and inspire all of the children.

Our approach to delivering the curriculum at St James ensures opportunities for the children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations and who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Overview

National Curriculum

Statutory Guidance

The National Curriculum – Primary Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets for Key Stages 1 and 2 can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum or wish to find out more about the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.

Curriculum by Subject


This section includes the English (Reading, Writing & Phonics) Policy as well as the Key Texts & Authors Overview for each term.

Accessibility Plan
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This section includes the most current Maths Curriculum Overview.

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Religious Education

This section includes the RE Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the Music Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the History Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the Geography Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the Computing Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the PSHE / SRE Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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This section includes the Science Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for each topic.

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Modern Foreign Language (MFL) – Spanish

This section includes the MFL Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers.

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Physical Education & Dance

This section includes the PE & Dance Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers.

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Design Technology

This section includes the Design Technology Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers.

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Art & Design

This section includes the Art & Design Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers.

Accessibility Plan
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